This is it--It’s game time! I have approached my last full month of Sydney, Uni and work; my last full month to complete everything I have come to Australia for. I have final assessments due and the closing to another chapter in my life and the beginning of another one.
In the last year, as most know, I have become increasingly more interested in astrology. I have studied the sun, moon and ascending signs and have practiced my knowledge of them on all the new people I have come to meet this year. To my surprise, it is quite remarkable how similar most are to their ‘sign.’ I have found that certain signs play out their description perfectly with the people I meet. For instance, Pisces have characteristics that I just adore-they are spontaneous and have a worry-free demeanor, they are accepting, compassionate, and will go out of their way for a friend. I love Pisces, yet I find their carefree attitude just a bit too carefree. And then there are cancer- my favorite of all. They are always dependable, and I always know I can count on a cancer to be there for me when I need them the most. Super compassionate and always positive. If I had a choice, I would make sure to marry a cancer, I think they would make the best life partner. And then there is the Gemini, I tend to be attracted to Gemini men, something about their charm, wittiness, and adventurous nature that I am just drawn to, yet Gemini men always tend to be the master of persuasion. I have to work extra hard not to let this charm influence me because I know it won’t end well. Overall, (and please no one take this personally or offensively) Aries and Sagittarius are a bit too intense for me ALL THE TIME; Libras, Aquarius, and Taurus are a bit too unreliable; Virgos play follow the leader; Capricorns don’t know how to take risks; I admire Leo’s confidence, but it can also be taken too far; and then the Scorpio—a bit too complicated. And Yes, I am a Scorpio, and yes I relate to many of the characteristics as well. Scorpios are so unstable and unforgiving. I am aware that the last several sentences may sound a bit negative, nevertheless, I do find it exceptionally interesting that people are so unique and each posses many differences. Even though Aries and Sagittarius are intense, they are the best to party with and are ever so generous; Libras, Aquarius, and Taurus are always so peaceful and grateful; Virgos always have a logical answer, they think logic not emotion, which is so helpful because my emotions seem to get the best of me majority of the time; Capricorns are drama-free; and Leos are the most loyal, caring, honest friends. They are there when you need them and extremely forgiving, and respect everyone’s differences. In general, I love all the people I have met this year and am grateful that the Universe has placed each and every one of them in my path. My year here in Australia would be insignificant without all of them.
At this point, I am going to explore what to expect this upcoming month, given that tomorrow is the first day of October. From viewing the sun and moon chart, we all should be expecting several things: Firstly, this will be a time period wherein many of us will become more clear regarding our personal needs within the context of our relationships, and be given ample opportunity to express them. If you are excited about changing the way you do things (making a living, relate to a partner, maintain health, etc.) and are open to experimenting and reaching outside your safety zone into the unfamiliar, then this will be a great month. This month as Venus, Mercury, and then the Sun move through Scorpio we are being asked to create and master new ways of “co-fulfilling” ourselves, that is to totally be there for another without giving ourselves away. There will be a need to confront and repeatedly put yourself out there –it is life testing your resolve, integrity, and maturity-continue to deal with it and don’t give up. By the end of the month with the new Moon and Venus square Mars the energy can become progressively explosive. The rising energy can contribute to amazing experiences of ultimate union.
This month I have to keep in mind that the only constant is change and the Universe is completely and utterly supporting me in ways I cannot even imagine and every experience I am having, including all the bumps in the road, are all strategically placed there for a reason, they all serve to awaken and stimulate rather than bother and irritate. I look forward to the journey that lies ahead of me and hope you all do as well.
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