What is going to save the human race?
Thank you.
Three words that will totally change this planet.
More than solar power. More than recycling. More than wind energy.
Because if we all started treating the people and things that we interact with every day with respect and compassion, the effects would ripple through every aspect of our lives, transforming society.
Our parents taught us the manners “rule-sets” that we use every day, and as a result, we feel that we have (through years of introspection) begun walking the path towards enlightenment. Our manners dictate the way we treat the external world, the Environment. We feel that it is primarily our manners that dictate our success as humans.
Folks talk about wanting to save the “Environment”, and that conjures up images of bubbling brooks and unspoiled forests. But “the Environment” isn’t just greenery and pretty scenery. It’s our slums, our airports, our houses, our supermarkets.
The Environment is everything that disappears when you close your eyes.
If you want to improve it, you must begin with what you see and encounter every single day of your life.
Before we can set about elevating our present society from a carbon-based one to a solar-electric one, knowing full well that solar-electric decentralized power means a higher quality of life for all, we must first pause and ask ourselves: Why? What is worth saving?
Human Consciousness.
Our gift and curse as humans is our incredible consciousness. We are aware, and that is the greatest and worst thing we’ve got going for us. Because we can clearly see how well we could be living, how politely we could be treating one another, how incredible life could be; we feel it is our duty to delight and inform our fellow humans in the hopes of creating a better world.
There is no reason every human on Earth could not have access to:
Clean Water
Nutritious Un-modified Food
Open Source Communication
Freedom from Oppression and Fascism
But, as is painfully obvious, most humans don’t have those things.
Most humans don’t have two of the six!
They could, but they don’t.
Bad Manners.
Nearly every religion this planet has yet produced has as one of its tenets the idea that to be happy, you must treat others as you yourself would hope to be treated.
A failure in this respect is simply bad form.
When a company decides to dump its waste into a river that others downstream use for drinking water, that is bad manners.
When a society chooses to isolate its citizenry in prisons and not offer any chance at rehabilitation, that is bad manners.
When a person decides to walk into a school and open fire on their classmates, that is extremely bad manners.
That is why we MUST START NOW.
All new generations must be schooled in the art of good manners if we are to survive, let alone flourish, as a species.
Try your hardest to treat others as you hope they would treat you, and actively look for ways to help the people around you. Do this from a pure place within you and watch the effects ripple outward!
Because so few are doing it.
Good manners make you stand out like a struck match in a dark room.
Three Essentials:
Make eye contact with anyone you interact with. Smiling is optional but highly encouraged.
Use the words “Please” and “Thank You” as often as you can.
Seek out ways to improve the lives of others. This can be as small as carrying someones bag up a flight of stairs, or holding a door open.
Do these three things and your life will change immeasurably. And you will begin to change the lives of those who come into contact with you in a measurable and positive way.
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