It's slightly strange to think that I have been out of the United States for close to a year now. I had wanted to get out of the country for good for a very long time. There were so many things that made me unhappy about the United States, however, now being gone for so long, I am able to have a better 'outsiders' position, and although there still are many things that upset about the politics, there are heaps of things i truly miss (and cannot live without forever):
- The most obvious: my brother, family & friends---
[I miss seeing my brother on a daily basis, I miss our lunch dates, I miss sing a-longs in the car with him, I miss macbook photo shoots, I miss late-night chats and him forcing me to watch something funny on either: comedy central or youtube, I miss being able to vent to him and cooking him dinners.
I miss my dad and his silliness. I miss beach bike rides with him & breakfast at coco's. I even miss his cleanliness--and obsession with washing my clothes for me, my car and my dirty feet, hehe.
My mom--I miss coming home to her asleep on the couch and telling her to go to bed and her telling me she was just resting her eyes--then coming back 2 hours later and her telling me the same story again. I miss my mom's cooking (especially her cornbread) and conversations with her. I miss her trying to convince me to go with her to the latest Jackson "event," and I miss her silliness as well.
Aunts, Uncles, Cousins---I miss family get-togethers!!
Friends--I miss going out or staying in--I miss lunch dates, going to shows & random roadtrips!!]
-My own ‘real’ big bed, instead of my blow-up mattress-- I miss a big comfy bed with lots of pillows and a big warm blanket
-Spontaneous trips to New Orleans
-High noon cafĂ©’s vegan: Caesar dressing, beet burger & carrot cake--daily lunches!!
-Soup & Salad (all-you-can-eat) Restaurants: i.e. Souplantation & Jasons Deli
-Extremely large coffees & free refills (drip coffee)-- I have not had drip coffee in forever!
-Burritos! & Chips & salsa, corn tortillas (Mexican food, in general)
-Black beans
-Bananas and berries
-Unlimited broadband Internet
-Music stations: Pandora, last fm, etc.
-Knowing which way to look when crossing the road-- I always think I am gonna get hit since pedestrians do not come first in this country.
-Insulated homes/buildings--i am so tired of being cold
-Low priced everything: housing, food, etc.---this country is soooo expensive
-Silk Almond milk
-Good tasting drinkable tap water
-Z’s instead of ‘s & no extra u’s in color & favorite
-Not having to spell my last name: g-o-n-ZED-ale-ZED
-Boys who hold doors open for ladies-- it just doesnt exist here.
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