As Saturday comes to an end, I have to smile. This WAS the perfect Saturday. Everything I love all crammed into one beautiful day: happiness, reggae, sunshine, green papaya salad, gymtime, neem mask, fresh coconut & dark chocolate.
Well, to be completely honest, it did not start out perfect. My alarm went off at seven and usually I am up before my alarm & if not, I am able to get right up & ready to start my day. This morning though, was a bit different- I woke up grumpy as. I had spent the prior two nights working on a big project and by the time I went to bed Friday night I was too exhausted to even sleep. I tossed & turned, and finally after falling asleep was woken up by a text message from my boss asking me to come in earlier Saturday morning. I usually start at 9, but she wanted me there by 8. I struggled to fall back asleep and when the alarm went off at 7, I was simply angry that it was waking me up when I was not ready. Anyways, I ate some rice porridge with dates & granola & washed it all down with an herbal chai, and made my way to work. On my stroll to work, I told myself to snap out of it. Everything was going to be ok, I would just have a long black when I got to work and I would be off by 2, so I could survive this shift. The shift went extremely well, I had convinced myself to be happy (and it worked) nothing at work was bothering me. My boss was freaking out (as usual) and I just smiled & continued doing my work. I got off at 2, went home—took a lovely nap in the yard, woke up to my reggae music streaming from my speakers, the trees swaying in the wind above me, and the sun shining vibrantly onto my skin. I felt nothing but happiness. I went to the gym & got my 3 mile run in, then thai dinner with laura—green papaya salad, yum!! Came home, took a hot shower & put a neem mask on & cracked open my coconut—goosh I love fresh coconut, I like to pour the liquid into a wine glass, it just makes it even that more enjoyable. And now, I am eating a piece of dark chocolate & writing in my blog. This day turned out to be incredible. Positive thinking, I swear it works wonders—If only more people did it daily, we would all be wondering around the streets blissed out of our minds.
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