the questions are fine. and i am proud to answer them because i have chosen this way of life, and i will never go back. this is who i am and this is how i plan to raise my children. last year when i had blood work done i had my doctor in awe and amazement at my perfect health. she told me that all the doctors had a look at my charts and were all jealous at my all time low cholesterol and my amazing liver results. she told me that my results were even better than all the goals the doctors had for themselves. my favorite thing that people tell me is that i dont look malnutritioned-and i so badly want to respond.."well of course i dont, i eat a diet high in vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and beans and i cut out all the dead meat that rots in my intestines, and all the milk loaded with chemicals, and all the packaged, fastfood that is jammed packed with every preservative possible. carnivores are the ones that look malnutritioned.."
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