the question, what will you do after sydney? has been asked to me over & over & over again in the last couple of weeks, and my only response is, well, i am not a future teller, so i dont know. anything is possible...
& really, a n y t h i n g is possible.
since i make my future, i have somewhat of an idea what i would like to happen, but i have learned in my short twenty four years on earth that life is full of surprises, and to just allow & accept them as they come. i do have dreams though--& my dream of the future is to leave the united states in november, fly into madrid--travel around europe until january 3rd, then fly into asia till feb 16th, arrive in sydney the 16th, move into my apartment, and start grad school feb 28th, 2011. between june and july i have 6 weeks off from school, my brother and i have been talking about a trip to brazil during that time. i graduate nov 18, 2011. my apartment lease expires dec 31st. and from there i am hoping to move to asia (preferably indonesia) for the following year, somewhere on the beach, just enjoying the surf & possibly teaching english. i actually want to enjoy life. i know i cant do a 9-5 job, i cant work in an office, i cant wear uncomfortable clothes, & i dont want to have to look professional--i want to be me. i want to spend the majority of my time feeding my soul, through art, meditation, foods, and life.
i dont think i will ever return to the united states once i leave in november,
maybe for short visits with my mom and brother. but i know the "american dream" is not for me, i dont want marriage, or a fancy house and car, or a high paying job.
the only thing i truly need is the sea.
Beautifulllll Ashley!!! That is such a beautiful plan for your future! And you are beautiful! So beautiful times two! Love Love Love!!! What a rich and incredible life!