Sunday, July 7, 2013

up-to-date b u c k e t list.

Nearly two years ago I created a ‘to-do-list’ or as some call it, a bucketlist, of things I want to accomplish before turning age thirty. I recently retrieved that list off my computer and to my surprise I was able to cross off quite a few things, such as: become a reiki master, become a certified yoga teacher, truly loving myself, visiting the White House and trying dimethyltryptamine, to name a few.

I have two more years until my deadline expires and I accept my thirtieth year of life on Earth. I have acknowledged that there really should not be such a deadline. I have too many things on my list to complete in two years time, and not that I want to put anything off, yet at the moment, I am enjoying where I am. I am living in the now and discovering all the gems that Colorado has to offer.

I have created yet again another list (I recently realized how often I create lists and how necessary they are for me). This list is a ‘Colorado to-do-list’. I have written down all the things I want to accomplish while I am a resident of this state. I have already been able to check off quite a few items, such as: see a show at red rocks amphitheater, use every form of public transportation in Denver, rock climb, and I am still in the process of tasting all the best coffee shops and breweries in town. My list goes on to visit the Rocky Mt National Park, go to a baseball game, visit every museum, hike a fourteener, and so on. I have taken pleasure in crossing things off my ‘Colorado list’. 

Yet, I still have a few places/things I would like to accomplish before turning thirty that are at the top of the list which include:
Visits to the following places: Yellowstone National Park, Moab, Mt.Rushmore, Austin, Earthship community in Taos, Vancoucer, Alaska, Iceland, Egypt, Israel and Jordan.  I still want to see Bjork live, and lastly, I still want to have a cute little place near the sea (mostly off the grid) with a garden, back yard solar over, bee hives and chickens.

Still a vast list is complete--- but all possible in ash’s world.

Manifestation, manifestation, manifestation.