As we rapidly progress towards the end of the year, there
are many thoughts, feelings, fears, excitement, and so on taking place in the
minds of most people. What is going to occur on December 21, 2012? Does anybody
really know? There are many ideas, but we will not truly know until we are in
the moment. I am not worried one bit, perhaps because I am so excited! How can
there be any room for worry when I believe the planet is changing for the
better. Everything I believe is extremely positive and exhilarating.
I have had people tell me that the world is going to end,
that this is it—dooms day. And I do partially believe that is true. The world
as we currently know it IS going to end as we shift into the next dimension. We
are transitioning from the third dimension into the fourth dimension. The
Mayan’s knew this information quite well, which is why they prophesized the end
of time. We are approaching a new space-time dimension.
A dimensional shift is when a planet or any cosmic body
moves from one dimensional level into another. It is going to be a very quick
transformation. However it only proves the events of the world, which are
currently taking place, are all part of the process and this should allow
clarity of mind and heart about this transformation as we pass through it.
Understanding the nature of the dimensional shift is a way to speed one’s
spiritual growth and utilize the time we have left on this beautiful planet.
And remember, this energy wave is so much bigger than you that you might as
well surrender to life and just be.
I have read recently that scientifically the geomagnetic
fields are very weak, which is also part of the shift. Therefore resulting in
erratic behavior in people and our current civilization on the planet is
breaking down. This phase can last up to 2 years or as little as 3 months. As
our current civilization begins to dissolve, it becomes extremely dangerous
just to be alive. Chaos rules. But not to worry—if you make it past this stage,
then you are soon to be free. This is the final stage—it will not take long. Everything
on life is going to drastically change all at once—and we will go through a
void and then enter into the new reality. I am beginning to believe that we are
already in this stage. We are already going through this 2-year phase—you can
see it happening all around the world. Planet Earth is a mess! We must hit rock
bottom before we can see the Light again.
Once the transition happens people will have the choice—they
may or may not be up for this new world. You will be able to continue to live
life from the normal human perspective—where the only reason for being alive is
to become comfortable through material things or to gain control over other
human beings through force—or realize that you can live a life filled with more
potential—more joy, bliss and love. And the same way you were born here on
Earth from a dark place into light, is the same way you will be birthed into a
new reality.
In this new world we can manifest life just with positive intention,
it will be a world made of pure Love and Light. The most important things in
the 4th dimension are: compassion, peace, humility, wisdom, unity,
love and truth. We will be more connected with God and the Oneness—Yet we will
still have our egos, still have our individual personalities. People will be
vibrating at much higher frequencies, and with that we will be far more
awake—far more knowledgeable and with fantastic health, making it nearly
possible to be ill or continue with illness. People will give up their
prescription drugs for herbs, and energy work will be much more prevalent. I
believe this is already happening as well. Everyday I meet more and more people
curious about diet, health, natural healing and energy healing and everyday I
meet many natural healers, me being one as well. It’s so fantastic to see this
happening right before my eyes. People are waking up, people are preparing for
the shift, with or without consciously knowing it.
What I don’t believe is volcanoes erupting, hurricanes, and
tornadoes—natural disasters destroying the Earth as we are leaving. But I do
believe that energetically we will feel it. We will know that Earth just
changed into something new. I am
ecstatic about this new dimension. It is going to be a beautiful transition.
In addition, the new children being birthed on Earth as we
speak are part of the ‘Indigo’ children. They are new souls, coming from a new
place. These children are much different than us. Science has even proved this
to be true. Most children being born today have different DNA than us. They are
stronger livers than us and are awake and conscious, have intense psychic
abilities, and they have IQs at genius levels. Also, another study has come out that these new babies are
immune to the HIV virus. These children appear to have super heightened immune
systems. They have been tested for numerous diseases; it is becoming clear that
they very well may be disease resistant or even immune to many. Testing in this
area is not yet conclusive.
With all that said, how can I be worried? I am only worried
about our current state of existence. The suffering and turmoil going on is
horrendous to witness. Luckily I know that it is part of this time. It is
necessary and will be over shortly. And then we will be birthed into a new time
full of love and happiness. Life here on Earth as we know it is ending—and I am
so thrilled I can barely sit still! The beginning of a return trip straight
back to God, as the truth unfolds and we gain the knowledge and wisdom to move
from the third to fourth and beyond all the way Home.