For many years now I have been fascinated and curious about the truth: Why am I here? What is my purpose? I have searched and searched and read plenteous literature on the meaning of life and have passionately studied metaphysics and philosophy to further apply these theories to life itself. I have discussed and compared my thoughts with many other people's thoughts and beliefs. Although each were very unique to their own, I still continued to dig deeper into the unknown. Accordingly, during this search I have been lead into pure bliss and also in the opposite direction of pain and suffering. I have questioned reality, resulting in deep depression and loneliness.
Up until the 31st December 2011, I was still very unsure of the truth. With my full trust in the Universe, I was presented with a glorious gift. I was offered to be part of something much bigger than myself, something even bigger than Earth itself. Ayahuasca is her name. Within minutes after consuming her medicine,on the eve of the new year, my life began to profoundly change. My subconscious mind was awakened and I transcended into ecstasy. Many things that I questioned were answered. And once again, on the 4th of January I consumed a second dose of her medicine. My meditation was taken deeper than ever before into my subconscious mind, which lasted several hours into the night. Numerous revelations occurred in the process, and as the sun rose the morning of the 5th I felt its warmth on my human flesh and deep into my soul. I mindfully placed my hands under the Earth's soil and the vibrations sent shivers down my spine. My life at that moment was pure bliss. And any doubts that I have ever had about who I am or why I am here have been extinguished.
I am alive. I am conscious. I am pure love and light. I am here now.
I have a very specific mission here on Earth and it was made very clear to me. Consequently the way I spend my time here on Earth (which may be ending very soon, so I must act quickly and proficiently) is going to change. Most changes are not drastic but just reassured.
Unfortunately, there may be people from my past that can not respect my new lifestyle changes, yet I can not look back only NOW and ahead.
-First, the consumption of alcohol, marijuana and all other drugs (coffee/caffeine in small amounts, used medicinally, slowly and thoroughly enjoyed is ok) will no longer be part of my life. I recognize now that every single bad situation that I have experienced in my life (from childhood on) have been a direct reaction from the consumption of alcohol and/or other drugs. Alcohol does not chemically set well in my body. I feel quickly ill both physically and mentally when alcohol has been consumed. The use of marijuana has caused false illusions in reality; insinuating blocks in my meditation and vibrations.
-Next, my body is a temple and should be treated as one. I am a masterpiece. God never gives birth to anything less than that. We are all created in God's image, we are a manifestation of the divine here on Earth. I must fully love myself and give my Earthly body only the best products. Only eating the freshest, organic, closest to nature foods. Physical exercise, listening to my body, fasting, massage and sleep are very important. Following a healthy sleep cycle that coincides with the sun and moon's cycle are vital for good health as well.
-With that said, everything I consume must first consecrate. I must never eat without first praying with a feeling of humbleness and gratitude.
-Everyday I must show appreciation and gratitude to all the blessings in my life and remind myself how fortunate I am to have fresh food, water, shelter, clothing and good health.
-Everyday I must work hard on myself spiritually. Meditation and mindfulness are the keys in the next dimension. I must always be conscious, awake and here now. I must suppress the ego.
-Everyday I should live without anger. What does anger result in besides complicating life and creating wasted energy and eventually leading to war.
-Everyday I must live patiently and with no worries. When I worry I am not trusting in the Universe and not accepting what is going to happen.
-Everyday I will practice Oneness. We are all brothers and sisters- we are mirrors of each other, all reflections of each other. Everyday I will practice ahimsa, generosity and kindness.
-Everyday I will practice non-attachment. I was sent to Earth with everything that I need in order to accomplish my mission. I will always have everything that I need.
-Lastly, and most importantly, communication. Speech is a very powerful tool and should not be taken for granted nor should it be abused. For instance, if several people throughout the day told you that you do not look well, by the time you got home from your day, chances are you will not be feeling well. Speech and the mind are VERY powerful. I will only speak when necessary and meaningful. I will speak clearly, softly and gentle. When I speak it will not be slandering of others, rather encouraging virtue by speaking only about good qualities of others. Gossip and exaggeration are also to be eliminated from my life.
I am very confident in my decision to follow these new lifestyle doctrines. I am also very grateful for all the support from my loved ones at this time in my life. I am blessed in many ways. Gracias.