The final week is here and I am anxiously writing my final paper; however my mind is all over the place, so I figured I would take the time to ‘release’ in my blog. I have discovered in the past couple of years that the best way for me to ‘vent’ is through the following: making art & crafts, exercise-swimming, running & cycling, meditation and lastly, WRITING. If I am feeling overwhelmed, just through the act of writing and just letting my mind flow freely, even if it consists of grammatical errors and is incomprehensible, it allows my scattered, ambiguous mind to settle. On some occasions, I write simply about the moment I am in and other times I write about daydreams and created goals for myself, whether on a weekly basis or life basis. In addition, sometimes-creating checklists for myself are helpful as well.
For this blog, I have decided to answer the question that I have been asked over and over this past month, which is… ‘What do you plan on doing with your newly received master’s degree…” Although the question is expected, I still become rather uneasy when answering it. People always want to hear that I am doing something BIG within my recently mastered field, yet for me that is not the case. I love art and especially, modern & contemporary art history. When a passionate lecturer presents new information on artist’s philosophies and significance (especially modern artist) I cannot help but yearn to know more and more and more. I love the field and particularly love when other people are just as passionate about it and teach me everything they know. I want to be THAT person. I want to be a lecturer. Most people do not realize this about me, until they join me in an exhibition at one of the local museums/galleries. I always feel it necessary to share all the information I know about each piece for other’s to fully appreciate what is directly in front of them. Some people enjoy museum visits with me and not having to read any of the plaques because I can usually sum up every painting on the ‘modern’ floor of the museum, others maybe don’t but I just cannot help myself sometimes. Anyways, art history is a passion of mine, I am not sure, at this time, if I will ever become a curator or some big shot art historian, but what I do know is that I would be more than happy to spend a day once a week giving talks/education at a museum, or possibly lecturing one a week at my local community college. I think it would be amazing to keep up with recent sources and information, and be able to teach what I know to others whom are eager to know more.
With that said, art history is not my only passion. I have many other things that I want to do with my life. For instance, YOGA! I love yoga, including the yoga lifestyle and philosophy. It will be a practice I participate in until the day I die. After March, I will be a certified yoga instructor. With my newly achieved certification I hope to also teach weekly yoga classes, either in a studio or gym facility. However, I am actually hoping to be in a gym facility for many reasons. First, I know a lot of people that want to incorporate yoga into their exercise routine but the inconvenience of having to go to a separate facility can sometimes cause a damper on that, time wise and financial wise. Also, others that may have never tried yoga will be more willing to hop right into a class that is about to begin. ‘Why not?..’ Might be there thinking. In addition, if I teach at a gym, then I may also benefit and receive a free gym pass; Also, I would love to teach other aerobic classes such as spin, zumba and water aerobics. I have worked in a gym before and do have experience creating personalized workout and meal plans. I would like to include fitness and yoga into my ‘career’.
Furthermore, I do have a few other passions, which I would like to include in my ‘career’ path, which are in the fields of healing and human rights. I will begin by explaining my ideas for healing; I would like to work with children in the field of art therapy and creating. I love self-expression and being able to heal wounds using creativity. I would really love to learn more about the field of psychology and child development, coinciding with art therapy. I am hoping to further my education in this field once I return to the states next year. Hopefully with that, I will be able to begin my own practice or find work within the field. Also, I will be a reiki master by the end of this year and be able to heal within my own private practice.
Lastly, human rights; I truly believe that all human beings on planet earth have the right to: education-especially children, all should have the right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas without fear or interference. Human beings deserve the right to live with dignity: NO ONE should be denied their rights to adequate housing, food, water, sanitation, education and health care. ABSOLUTELY NO ONE. We live on a very resource-dense planet with ample amounts of food and water; in addition, daily advancements are being made in technology, Therefore, there are no excuses. I would like to invest my life in helping to make this possible. I am fully aware that planet Earth is gigantic and there is no way that I can make a huge impact, but even if I am able to be a small asset, even within my own town- that would be satisfying enough. If I can help one family go from homeless and starving to safe and healthy, I will do that. I would like to apply to work for habitat for humanity, or other programs striving to promote basic human rights.
The above information is extensive and is not coinciding necessarily, hence why I am hesitant to address the question, ‘what are you doing with your degree..?’ I often sum it up with, ‘well, I would like to be an educator, artist, healer and activist, but also a world traveler—and maybe even a wife and mother one day.’ People must think I am foolish, but give me ten years and I have no doubts that my life wont be exactly as I have just written it out to be.