1030pm 1/9/11
i have not blogged since i left chicago, which was 2 months ago,
but i think its time to catch you up on my life.
i have been to places i have always dreamed of going-spain, italy, france, ireland, germany, netherlands, turkey, and now the philippines. i celebrated my birthday, thanksgiving, winter solstice, christmas, and the new years eve countdown all during the last 2 months. the time is passing more quickly than i ever imagined. it really makes me feel like i need to slow down even more than i already am going. i need to be grateful for where i am at and continue to love each day. 2010 was, altogether, such a rapid year. but a year of growth. i traveled numerous times, and learned more about myself than ever. traveling can teach you so much about the world and yourself. there are so many amazing people out in the world that will feed you and let you sleep on their couch for free, they are so honored and proud to show you their town. its quite amazing, and it gives me so much hope for the human race to eventually work towards a greater energy level of peace and love for all. traveling can also be rough on the soul at times as well. i have been dirty, exhausted, lonely, cold, and hungry--in paris, i had a complete break down, and almost flew home. i was beyond homesick, and missing my mom and brother like crazy. Luckily, i had my cousin by my side, who talked me out of it, and helped me get over that hurdle. I am thankful for him being with me at that moment. Since then, i have missed my home, but i know it will be there when i return so i can continue on this journey of enlightenment and extreme happiness. I decided i needed to start 2011 with a completely fresh start, which led me to the decision of juice fasting for 20 days. my body has been craving it, and deserves it completely. my body has been such a champ over the past 2 months of abuse--from pasta, pasta, wine, and more pasta, its ready for this. i have just completed day 1-which was much easier than i imagined. each day i will have heightened spiritual awareness, growing peace, and personal integration. i am completely ready for mental and physical clarity, a stronger immune system, a detox of the toxins running through my body, increased energy levels, and an enhanced sense of joy and lightness. "Fasting is the master key to mental and spiritual unfoldment and evolution."--Dr. Arnold Ehret
i am beyond happy at the moment, and following my bliss 100%. i am so thankful for my health, and ability to travel and take on fasting, and i am even more beyond thankful for my family and friends that are still supporting my every move. love you all.