i love this time of year. as soon as it hits autumn, i have a huge grin from ear to ear. i love the weather, all the leaves changing color and piled under the tree, i love walking outside and its just so refreshing that you want to take a nap right on your front porch, i love all the tastes of autumn as well, the nutmeg and cinnamon, and gingerbread cookies, i love getting to dress in scarves, boots, and peacoats. i love halloween and getting to play dress-up, then comes my brother's birthday (which this year he turned 21, finally), and then there is my birthday, then thanksgiving, christmas, then my favorite.. new years eve (another day to play dress-up). since today is thanksgiving i have decided to reflect on all of the things in my life that i am thankful for:
-my brother: he understands me on a deeper level than anyone will ever be able to, he is one of the most intelligent, sweetest souls i have ever met, and i thank earth for letting him be in my life everyday since he was born. i love him more than i can even explain.
-marcel rodriguez: he also understands me on a very deep level. after being told that our souls have traveled together for many hundreds of years, it just confirmed even further that he is my soul mate. he has so much compassion for other people, and i have never seen him put himself before anyone else. he is very talented, and everyday he impresses me more & more. i love him very much, and i know for sure he will be in my life till death do us part and even in the afterlife.
-my family: my mother, my father, i am very thankful that you met, fell in love, and had me and my brother, i am very thankful that you have always been able to put a roof over my head, food in my mouth, my brother and i have always had perfect health, and that is all thanks to my parents, we also never went a day without feeling loved. i am also very thankful that both my parents have an open-mind about everything and have always allowed us to make our own decisions and learn from our mistakes. they have allowed my brother and i to be real and compassionate people.
-my extended family: i am so thankful for my grandparents for raising such amazing parents of mine, all my aunts and uncles who have all shown me more love than i could have ever imagined, and all my cousins, who are all some of my bestest friends. so thankful for my big family, and all the memories we have all shared together from the time i was born till the present and i smile when i think about the future and all the many more family events we will have together.
-marcel's family: -angie, who goes above and beyond for EVERYBODY. she raised marcel the same way she is, compassionate and always putting everyone before herself. she may be a small woman but she has one of the biggest hearts that i have ever come across. she has experienced much heartache but still is capable of trust and more love than i have ever seen. all i can hope for is that one day i will be half the woman and mother that she is.
-wela/welo, for allowing me to live in their home and caring about me emotionally and physically as if i were one of their own grandchildren. they took me in when i really had no where else to go. and their lovely accents make me smile every time i hear them speak.
-his mom's side/dad's side: both have some of the most wonderful people i have ever met, everyone has been so thoughtful and caring, and are always really genuine when they ask how you are doing, very caring people. i am so thankful that i have his entire family in my life.
-my friends: i started writing a list when i realized that with every name i wrote another memory of them would cross my mind. my face lit up with a huge smile thinking about how lucky i am to have had so many amazing people cross my path. every SINGLE one of my friends has been very special to me, life is a bumpy road and without all the amazing people that have come into my life and helped me steer the car down the road of life i probably would have crashed and burned a long time ago.
-my health: health is a very important thing to me and always has been. i have been blessed with good health since i was born. i will continue to take care of physical self, and my emotional self.
-my home: this i thank my mother for, and the rodriguez family and gonzalez family for always giving me a place to live and always taking me in no matter what.
-touch: my blanket across my lap, the keys under my fingers, and my kitties warm fur up against my leg. warm showers after cold nights.
-smell: my mom's cooking, the coffee shop early in the morning, autumn winds
-sound: music playing from the speakers, laughter, my friends voice when they call me and help me smile after a difficult week, leaves tousling in the wind, and the ocean waves pounding the coast.
-taste: my mother's sweet cooking, fresh espresso, mediterranean cuisine, new foods & drinks
-sight: seeing my brother work on his dreads everyday =), my mom pulling in the driveway after a long day at work, seeing marcel's face after not seeing him forever, watching all the new babies grow into toddlers, children, teenagers.. and all the beauty that earth has to offer.
i am so thankful for life, and everything that surrounds my world.
life is perfect & i have so many people/things to be thankful for.
thank you.